How to Make a Generator Quiet for Camping: 10 Helpful Tips

portable generator at campsite

Feeling excited about your upcoming camping getaway? This is an excellent opportunity to disconnect from everyday stress, reconnect with nature, bond with your friends, and actually learn to enjoy the current moment, away from all the obligations that constantly bug you. While camping represents a chance to ditch technology, there are many benefits that come …

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Can You Spray Paint a Canvas Tent?

cans of spray paint

Canvas tents show up really plain because the focus is on the thick hard material and not designs. Not everyone wants a plain tent, and let’s face it, thick cotton fabric isn’t the most stylish camping option. You can use spray paint on a canvas tent, though it’s not the best solution most of the …

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Can 550 Paracord Really Hold 550 Lbs?

paracord bracelet

One of the common misconceptions we run into a lot is how the weight standards work with parachute cord (paracord). This leads to questions like “Can 550 paracord hold 550 lbs in a camping hammock?” The short answer is maybe for a short time, but you’re living on borrowed time at that point. 550 paracord …

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Can You Dye a Tent?

two tents in a forest

You’re looking for new camping gear, there’s a big sale, so you leap on a tent that’s 75% off. While you generally don’t care about most colors…the lime green abomination is atrocious. The natural question leaps to the top of your mind: can you dye a tent? In all likelihood there’s some bad news here. …

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What Is the Best Tent Color?

orange, blue, and yellow tents on mountain

What is the best tent color? This seems like a simple question, so it should have a simple answer, right? Well, it actually isn’t that easy a question to answer. Is there a straight general answer to this question, or is it situational? Maybe when camping tent color doesn’t matter at all? Generally speaking, the …

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